25 Years of Together in Song
This year marks 25 years since the publication of Together in Song, Australian Hymn Book II. Together in Song has been a significant asset through its contribution to meaningful and effective worship, both traditional and contemporary.
Join Christ Church Uniting Church Wayville to celebrate Together in Song (TIS) on Sunday September 15 at 2.30pm. The programme is participatory in nature including hymn and song singing, a guest artist and a pop-up choir.
The results of the local favourite TIS hymns/songs poll* will be revealed, followed by scones with tea and coffee.
Admission is $15, all of which will go towards the Christ Church Organ Scholarship Fund. Please book online here.
*Don’t forget to have your say in our poll to find the top five favourite TIS hymns/songs – click here to take the poll by September 8. (You will be taken to a Survey Monkey webpage)
For more information about the Christ Church Organ Scholarship click here. Applications for the scholarship close on September 20.